Sulby Hydro weather

 Latitude N 54° 17' 00"    Longitude W 04° 29' 22"    Elevation 50 ft

Records began on 15 February 2021. Here are the month-by-month extremes recorded since then.

Records for the month of January
Temperature and Humidity
Highest Temperature --- °C ----
Lowest Temperature --- °C ----
Highest Dew Point --- °C ----
Lowest Dew Point --- °C ----
Highest Apparent Temperature --- °C ----
Lowest Apparent Temperature --- °C ----
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature --- °C ----
Highest Heat Index --- °C ----
Highest Minimum --- °C ----
Lowest Maximum --- °C ----
Highest Humidity --- % ----
Lowest Humidity --- % ----
Highest Daily Range --- °C ----
Lowest Daily Range --- °C ----
Highest Rain Rate --- in/hr ----
Highest Hourly Rainfall --- in ----
Highest Daily Rainfall --- in ----
Highest Monthly Rainfall --- in ----
Longest Dry Period --- days ----
Longest Wet Period --- days ----
Highest Wind Gust --- mph ----
Highest Wind Speed Average --- mph ----
Highest Daily Wind Run --- miles ----
Lowest Pressure (sl) --- mb ----
Highest Pressure (sl) --- mb ----
:now::gauges::today::yesterday::this month::this year::records::monthly records::trends::selectachart::historic::forum:

Page updated 07/12/2021 17:38:10
powered by Cumulus v3.9.7 (3107)