The Isle of Man Repeaters require a lot of time, effort and commitment to keep them on the air. Without the help and support of local clubs, organisations and individuals, staying afloat would be a very difficult task. The repeater licensee would like to record his thanks to the following for their support:
The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Following the merging of the Isle of Man Repeater Group into the IOM Amateur Radio Society, the IOMARS has provided moral and financial support to the island's repeater network.
Many society members have given of their time and enthusiasm to help "the cause".
If you would like to contribute to the upkeep of the Isle Of Man Repeater network, please contact the secretary of the IOMARS
Visit the IOMARS Blog
The Communications Division of the Isle of Man Government

The Isle of man's repeaters have long enjoyed the help and support of the communications division. The division operates and maintains government-owned radio sites around the island including Snaefell and Carnane.
With the approval of the Department of Home Affairs, the IOM repeaters are accomodated at these sites free of charge, in return for our systems being available to support local services by providing backup communications should the need arise.
This concession is very much appreciated by all of the local amateur radio community.
Visit the Communications Division Website
Help and support in any form, including financial, is always welcomed.
If you feel that you can do something to help, please get in touch with the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or the secretary of the IOMARS.